Around the Ranch

A look at activities, events, and news at Nellie Gail Ranch and the people (and pets) that make up the community. Devoted to keep the community connected and bring it closer together.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Earth Day - Every Day

With the proliferation of electronic commerce and media, we seem to be moving towards a paperless society. In some ways this is evidenced by the decline in readership and revenues at all of the major newspapers. I am not sure how great that really is for the environment. Biodegradable paper from renewable resources (trees) seems far superior than toxic electronic waste from non-renewable resources.

CR&R Waste Services, our local waste collection company has long provided pick-up containers for recyclables: paper; plastic; aluminium; and glass. They also will pick-up your electronic waste and other bulky items. Electronic waste (E-waste) is an item such as a computer monitor, television, cell phone or other like materials. Due to the high amounts of lead and chemicals found in E-waste, they are not allowed into local landfills. Refrigerators contain Freon and other chemicals which require special handling as well. CR&R will collect these items from your curbside for free.

Items that cannot fit in your automated containers, such as a chair or a couch, are considered "bulky items." A bulky item is an object that can be handled by a two-person crew and may include washers, dryers, sofas or other large materials. To make arrangements for a bulky item pick-up on your regular refuse collection day.

Contact the local office 24 hours prior to collection day (877-278-0446) to schedule pick-up of E-waste or Bulky Items. Each household is entitled to two free pick-ups per year without charge.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Information
It is illegal to dispose of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) through the automated residential collection program. HHW must be disposed of at a certified hazardous waste collection center. For the nearest collection center can be found by clicking here.

Household Hazardous Waste includes, but is not limited to:

Used Motor Oil
Cleaning Products
Wood Preservative
Old Paint
Pool Chemicals
Printer Cartridges
Old Road Flares
Fluorescent Lights

Thanks to CR&R, we can help make every day an Earth Day!

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