Around the Ranch

A look at activities, events, and news at Nellie Gail Ranch and the people (and pets) that make up the community. Devoted to keep the community connected and bring it closer together.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mama and Papa Duck

Yes, we have had the Ducks over a lot while they are in town and they do have names, Mama Duck and Papa Duck. They typically come over to our house late every afternoon for hors d'oerves but will often pop by for breakfast or brunch as well. Fortunately, their unannounced visits do not require much last minute food preparation, just a slice of bread or two makes for a nice informal get together which is usually followed by time in the garden eating grass and bugs. We typically prepare a bath for them as well. It seems very appreciated. They cool their feet or tummies, drink from it and occasionally splash around in it.

We have gotten so accustomed to the Duck's daily visits that we worry when they do not show up at their usual times. Perhaps they will bring their children (ducklings) to visit soon.

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